Introduced By Email?

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OK, I admit. That is definitely the corniest cartoon I have sent out this year.


One of the lesser known parts of my job is making introductions. It’s something I do every single day and for me, it’s very gratifying to connect two people who might benefit from meeting and perhaps establish a lasting relationship. Growing up in a Jewish household where my parents and grandparents spoke Yiddish, we even had a word (shadchen) for those who were matchmakers!


Here are some important rules to follow when you receive an introduction via email:


  1. Reach out promptly. Sounds easy right? You’d be surprised at how often I see people take days to reply.


  1. Move the person making the introduction to BCC.There’s no need to spam that person a dozen times as you and the other party make plans to meet for coffee.


  1. Thank the person who introduced you and say something nice about them, example:


“Thank you Mark for introducing Jay, you always introduce me to amazing people. (Moved To Bcc)”

Then leave a double space to indicate that you’ve finished speaking to the person who introduced you. Then start speaking to the person you’ve been introduced to.


Jay – great to meet you!

… I have heard great things about your product/company, and I look forward to connecting. My job/company/idea is … I’d love to jump on a call and discuss …

Here are three dates and times:
Dec. 5, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Dec. 6, 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Dec. 9, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.


Let me know what works, and I’ll send over a calendar invitation.

Thanks so much.


  1. Bend over backwards to accommodate THEIR schedule. Remember, you’re the one asking for something. Don’t ever say something like “I’m available next Thursday at 9:30.” Same thing for location if it’s a face-to-face. Don’t ask them to come to your office or suggest a place to meet. Ask what’s most convenient for them.


Remember that once you’ve been introduced, you’re no longer just representing yourself, but the person who made the introduction as well. Be prompt and well prepared for your follow up call or meeting and take the time to write them a thank you note.


Happy Tuesday & Happy Selling!
