How it all started…

I know, I know. It’s been 4 months (and 4,000 restart attempts) since my last blog. This is not easy, so please cut me some slack…
I think back to how it all started. Despite having the most professional and well trained sales team in the world (!), our team occasionally needs a “boost”, a spark of motivation, or just a plain “kick-in-the-pants”!
I started sending out a weekly email to my sales team sharing some war stories of my own time in the battlefield of sales. I’m not the expert, but I’ve made enough mistakes to warn others…
I added a few friends to my email distribution list to gather some feedback, and it was they who suggested (pushed me) to turn the email into a weekly blog and share it with the greater public. Today, with over 10,000 subscribers I want to thank every one of you for reading, sharing, and most of all commenting and giving constructive feedback to help me make this better and better.
I promise to get back on schedule (no better way to make sure it get’s done than to announce it in front of 10,000+ people!) and I’m looking forward to next week Tuesday’s blog.
Happy Tuesday & Happy Selling! Kevin