Hard to believe we are already in 2017! Welcome back! Hope the transition back to work wasn’t that bad.
In the coming weeks I would like to share with you a few secrets that has helped my team and myself reach our sales goals month after month.
Secret #1: Change your mental model of “success” and “failure.”
When you get rejected you might currently believe that you have failed and worse… that you are a failure.
Getting rejected… that is, failing to get a ‘yes’ and “being a failure” are two very different things.
You must change how you view both failure and success in order to re-frame how you view rejection. Most people operate with the following mental model:
They see themselves in the middle, with success on one end and failure on the other. They do everything they can to move toward success and away from failure.
But, what if the model were reconfigured?
What if, rather than seeing failure as something to be avoided it became a “stepping-stone” on the path to success?
In other words: Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There.
We’ll discuss in depth in the coming weeks.
If your day involves selling of any service or product, I urge you to get a copy of the book Go For No! by Richard Fenton ($10 on Amazon).
Happy Tuesday & Happy Selling!
Go For No!
By Kevin Frisch | 0 Comments