Hard to believe we are already in 2017! Welcome back! Hope the transition back to work wasn’t that bad.


In the coming weeks I would like to share with you a few secrets that has helped my team and myself reach our sales goals month after month.


Secret #1: Change your mental model of “success” and “failure.”


When you get rejected you might currently believe that you have failed and worse… that you are a failure.


Getting rejected… that is, failing to get a ‘yes’ and “being a failure” are two very different things.


You must change how you view both failure and success in order to re-frame how you view rejection. Most people operate with the following mental model:

go no 1

They see themselves in the middle, with success on one end and failure on the other. They do everything they can to move toward success and away from failure.
But, what if the model were reconfigured?

go no 2

What if, rather than seeing failure as something to be avoided it became a “stepping-stone” on the path to success?


In other words: Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There.


We’ll discuss in depth in the coming weeks.
If your day involves selling of any service or product, I urge you to get a copy of the book Go For No! by Richard Fenton ($10 on Amazon).


Happy Tuesday & Happy Selling!


Go For No!

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Study #5 – Using Urgency The Right Way



Creating a sense of urgency in your sales pitch is one of the oldest tricks in the book and still one of the smartest.


A study was conducted by handing out two different pamphlets, both sparing no detail on the horrid effects that the tetanus disease can have on the body.


  • The first pamphlet described only the effects of tetanus.


• The second pamphlet described the effects of tetanus and also included information on where to get vaccinated.

study 5.1


The results were clear: Those who had the second pamphlet (with the sparse follow-up info) were much more likely to take-action; the rate that followed through with vaccination was superior to the first group by nearly 25%.


study 5.2


Our minds are susceptible to blocking out information that evokes a sense of urgency if there aren’t any instructions on what to do next.


Those who didn’t receive follow-up information were prone to convincing themselves that, “I don’t need to worry about this because it won’t happen to me anyway,” whereas those in the second group had little reason to feel this way because they had a plan to take action.


Bottom Line: Urgency can be blocked by your customers’ minds if you don’t give them specific instructions on how to solve the problem. Rather than giving vague instructions, tell people exactly what to do when the time comes and don’t be afraid to drive them toward specific actions.


Happy Tuesday & Happy Selling!


Psychology in Sales – Study #5

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Maintaining focus during the holiday season can be tough. Between travel, visitors, and time out of the office, your normal schedule and routines are off — and there’s a good chance your prospects’ are too.


But even though December isn’t business as usual, you can’t stop selling. You’re still responsible for meeting quota. Letting your pipeline suffer this month will definitely have a negative impact on your results next year.


If you need a little motivation, rally yourself with these four reminders.


1) The Likelihood You’ll Reach the Decision Maker Is Higher Than Normal

To connect with decision makers, sales experts suggest calling early in the morning or at night. Executives and senior leaders are hard to access during normal business hours — assistant or more junior employees typically take your call instead.


But the logic goes, at 6:30 p.m. the CEO might be the only one in the office to pick up the phone.


The same principle applies to the holiday season. While many people are away, those at the top of the ladder may stick around or come in to get some work done while it’s quiet.

Keep this in mind next time you start dialing. You could get sent to voicemail, but there’s also the chance you’ll reach the economic buyer.


Additionally, there are a lot less salespeople vying for their attention in December so you chances of having your pitch heard are definitely greater.


2) Set Appointments for “After The Holidays”

Many decision makers are not in business mode and may have their heads halfway out the door. However, by requesting a meeting for “after the holidays”, most execs will be acceptable to such a request. Lock in a date in January and you will be the first in their fresh calendar for 2017.


3) Capitalize On “Use It Or Lose It” Budgets

While some of your prospects have already exhausted their budgets for the year, others will be looking around to spend their remaining funding. Many departments have “use it or lose it” policies: Unspent money disappears rather than rolling over to next year’s budget.

In addition, companies often review last year’s spend to figure out how much to allocate for the coming year. Suppose a senior manager only uses $600,000 of her $700,000 budget in 2016. She’ll probably get $600,000 in 2017.


That manager will probably jump at the chance to spend her remaining $100,000 on a valuable solution while securing her budget for next year.


Others may be looking for a last minute tax deduction.


Don’t let the holidays interfere with your ability to hit — or even crush — your quota. There may be some factors playing against you, but there’s an equal number working in your favor.


Happy Tuesday & Happy Selling!


Another Auto Reply in December? Uggg…

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Study #4 – Losses Loom Larger Than Gains



The sad truth about people is this:


People will fight harder to prevent losing a dollar than earning a dollar (this is known as loss aversion).


From a logical standpoint, it makes no sense.


A dollar is a dollar is a dollar.


But when it comes to human beings, we’re not that logical. We’re quite emotional, actually.


And when it comes to a dollar, a dollar that’s ours is more valuable than earning a dollar that isn’t ours.


That’s why when people sell their houses they often overvalue their house. After all, it’s THEIR house.


People respond better to telling them what they’re missing out on over telling them what benefits they stand to gain… because loss looms larger than gains.


So, not only do you need to tell people what they’ll get when they buy whatever it is you’re selling, you also need to reiterate what they’ll lose out on if they don’t buy… for maximum impact.


Caution: Just because losses loom larger than gains, doesn’t mean you should focus only on loss. That’s a scarce mindset. You should intersperse both gains AND losses in your sales copy. Explain what people stand to gain… and what they stand to lose… for best results.


Happy Tuesday & Happy Selling!

Psychology in Sales – Study #4

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